Here is our latest flyer and request for donations to.

Please forward if you wish!

How can you support our project? Sponsorships are indispensable for maintaining our school. This regular monthly income assures our ability to continue to operate. But we are also thankful for smaller, regular donations (starting with 5 Euro monthly) or with a one-time donation of money or goods!

  • Sponsorship of 30 Euro per month makes it possible for a child to attend our school and secures payment of teacher salaries, materials and food . Please use the insert from our current flyer or contact us: doris [at] projuventutebahia [dot] org

For administrative reasons the „Friends of Rudolf Steiner’s Art of Pedagogy“ have agreed to handle the transfer of our donations.

Banking Information:Button Freunde Eng

  • Wire Transfer or Permanent Bank Draft:
    An die Freunde der Erziehungskunst, Berlin
    GLS Bank Bochum
    IBAN: DE47 4306 0967 0013 0420 10
    Verwendungszweck: 4810 Varzea
    and your email-address

Or via Internet

You will automatically receive confirmation of your donations – when you provide your address – these confirmations will be mailed to you by the Freunde der Erziehungskunst Rudolf Steiners, at the latest at the end of each year. We recommend: if you inform us per email (info [at] projuventute [dot] org) we will be glad to confirm that your donation has been received safely.

Donation of goods …. Goods from overseas are, unfortunately, not very useful to us because of the long transport times and cost as well as problems at customs, unless we are allowed to sell these items in Germany with your permission (dissolving households, etc.)

Your entire donation is used for and benefits the projects of the Association.

If you wish we would be happy to add your email address to our distribution list and will then send you (one to four times per year) our news and updates.

Please send a brief message regarding this to: info [at] projuventutebahia [dot] org