In addition to setting up a Waldorf Kindergarten and a Waldorf School we wanted, from the beginning, to offer courses and workshops that went hand in hand with schooling in order to give teenagers of the town an opportunity and alternative possibilities for advanced training.
We first constructed a simple “classroom” in the shade of two cashew trees. The ground was leveled and covered with concrete. Behind this is a small storage room where chairs and tables are kept at night in case it should rain. This is our so-called “tree school”. In the course of the years it continued to be expanded so that, in 2014, we were able to install a small school kitchen and a small office. Now the courses are held in the classrooms.
We were lucky: in 2012 our courses were financed by “Criança Esperança”, a project by GLOBO (Brazil’s largest TV station) in cooperation with UNESCO. Unfortunately, however, financing was limited to one year only.
We have a lot of ideas, especially pertaining to extra-curricular activities:
Establishing our own bakery, a biologic-dynamic (sustainable) project with model character, our own carpentry shop, a pottery, a tailor shop, a circus, therapy courses, medical treatment, recycling, etc…..
We hope that more and more people will join our project and forge new paths with us.